Building Safety Month Supports Safer Buildings and Communities Around the World

Washington, D.C. – The International Code Council’s Building Safety Month campaign reaches its final week with a focus on working together to address global challenges such as extreme weather and water scarcity. The adoption and enforcement of modern codes and standards, which are constantly updated to reflect the latest building science, is a crucial first step in protecting global communities.

Week 5, Solving Challenges Together, elevates the importance of implementing building safety solutions around the world to improve the resiliency and sustainability of communities.

“As Building Safety Month comes to an end, it is important to recognize that the responsibility of creating a safe built environment rests on the collective efforts of individuals across the globe. We all hold the power to make a lasting impact and, by helping to spread awareness of building safety, we can create a safer world for generations to come,” said President of the Code Council Board of Directors, Michael Wich, CBO.

2023 Building Safety Month sponsors include the American Gas Association, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, American Concrete Institute, Open Gov and more. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, click here.

More information about Building Safety Month, including details regarding virtual events and downloadable resources, can be found at

The U.S. President, along with hundreds of communities and organizations, have issued proclamations declaring May 2023 as Building Safety Month. View the proclamations or submit your own here.

To participate in Building Safety Month:


About the International Code Council
The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions. Code Council codes, standards and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.

Pakistan Engineering Council Releases Green Building Code Based on the International Codes

Washington, D.C. – On May 24, 2023, the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) released the Green Building Code of Pakistan-2023 based on the 2021 edition of the International Green Construction Code® (IgCC), which incorporates ANSI/ASHRAE/ICC/USGBC/IES. The Green Building Code is the second building code to be created by the PEC based on the International Codes® (I-Codes), following the publication of the 2021 Building Code of Pakistan, based on the 2021 International Building Code® (IBC).

“The Pakistan Engineering Council deserves recognition for being proactive in addressing the resilience and sustainability of the built environment in Pakistan,” said Mark Johnson, Executive Vice President of Content and Services for the International Code Council. “Their commitment to using modern building codes in the design of the buildings in Pakistan will benefit both the citizens of Pakistan and the environment.”

Through the support of the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, the International Code Council was able to subsidize the publication license for the IgCC to the PEC, eliminating cost as a consideration for Pakistan to utilize a code that will facilitate the design and construction of green and energy-efficient buildings in Pakistan.

“Forging partnerships that help create greater certainty in trade for U.S. building industry exporters strengthens our economy, supports our workforce, and increases supply chain resiliency. The International Trade Administration is proud to partner with the International Code Council through our one-of-a-kind Market Development Cooperator Program,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Analysis Grant Harris. “High-quality building codes, and the international standards that they reference, can help adopters construct buildings that are more resilient to hazards and with lower greenhouse gas emissions. I am hopeful the new code will help Pakistan obtain the building solutions it needs.”

Engineering Professor Dr. Sarosh H. Lodi, Convener, PEC Technical Committee, stated, “The Green Building Code will contribute significantly toward improving the green-construction economy of Pakistan while also helping to create a sustainable consumption and protection of natural resources associated with the construction industry.”

“ASHRAE commends the Pakistan Engineering Council for its continued commitment to improved energy efficiency, building performance and indoor air quality through the release of its Green Building Code,” said 2022-23 ASHRAE President Farooq Mehboob. “The implementation of this code will benefit future generations in Pakistan and serve as a model to other countries around the world.”

The International Code Council has had a longstanding relationship with the PEC, since the early 2000s when the seismic provisions from the Uniform Building Code were adopted. Cooperation in the development and implementation of modern building codes in Pakistan will continue to gain momentum with a recently signed agreement between the PEC, the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) in Pakistan, and the International Code Council to update Pakistan’s energy code based on the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC).


About the International Code Council
The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions. Code Council codes, standards and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.

About the Pakistan Engineering Council

The Pakistan Engineering Council is a statutory body that sets and maintains realistic and internationally relevant standards of professional competence and ethics for engineers, and license engineers, and engineering institutions to competently and professionally promote and uphold the standards.

About the Market Development Cooperator Program

Through an annual competition, the International Trade Administration selects a limited number of U.S. non-profit organizations to receive Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP) awards. A recipient receives up to $300,000, matched one-to-one by its own resources, to pursue a 3-5-year project designed to remove trade barriers and help U.S. firms to export. On average, MDCP projects generate $286 in exports for every $1 awarded. In an average year, MDCP projects create or sustain 14,000 U.S. jobs annually.

2023 Conference – Speakers


We are excited to announce this year's keynote and guest speakers.

Keynote Speaker

Sponsored by Archistar

Tamara Robertson

Tamara Robertson
Engineer, Emmy-nominated producer, and star of the MythBusters TV show

Monday, October 9 | Opening Session (8:00 – 10:30 am)

Prior to joining the MythBusters, Tamara spent a decade in corporate engineering where she was pivotal in creating Women in Leadership mentorship programs. During this time, she noted a lack of women so in 2015, she transitioned full time to outreach in hopes of inspiring more young women to pursue S.T.E.M. careers. It was during this time that she was given the opportunity to battle it out for a chance to join the MythBusters legacy where her lifetime experience as a tinkerer and collector of skills landed her as the only woman finalist and 2 x MVP winner.

Opening Session Speaker

Kitty Radcliffe

Kitty Radcliffe
CEO, Explore St. Louis
Opening Session

Insight Session Panelists

Allison Cook

Allison Cook
Construction Plans Examiner
Arlington County, Virginia
Insight Session

Dan Dockery

Dan Dockery
Retired Building Official
WS/FC Planning & Development Services, North Carolina
Insight Session

David Gibson, BA MSc DMS MRICS CEnv C.Build.E FCABE

David Gibson, BA MSc DMS MRICS CEnv C.Build.E FCABE
Governor of the World Organization of Building Officials
Insight Session

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Hertle

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Hertle
Professor (Honorary) at Technische Universität München (TUM)
Proprietor of Hertle Ingenieure
Insight Session

Scott Holm

Scott Holm
Building Structure and Sciences Senior Consultant
BRAUN Intertec
Insight Session

Peter Laurenson

Peter Laurenson
President, Building Official Institute of New Zealand
Insight Session

Christopher McWhite

Christopher McWhite
Building & Zoning Official
Smithfield, Rhode Island
Insight Session

Geoff Mitchell

Geoff Mitchell
Managing Director, GMA Certification Group
Chair of the ICC Global Membership Council
Insight Session

James A. Richardson Jr.

James A. Richardson Jr., CPD
Plumbing Inspection Supervisor, City of Columbus
Insight Session

Dr. Ali Shash

Dr. Ali Shash
Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
General Manager, Green Court Company for Trades and Contracting
Advisory Committee Member, Saudi Building Code National Committee (SBCNC)
Insight Session

Terry Smith

Terry Smith
Former Chairman of the State Plumbing Board of Louisiana
Insight Session

Hiroki Sunohara

Hiroki Sunohara
Managing Director/Secretary General
Institute of International Harmonization for Building and Housing (IIBH)
General Manager, International Department
The Building Center of Japan
Insight Session

Featured ICC Speakers

Rich Anderson

Rich Anderson
Director of PMG Resources
Education Session

Stella Carr

Stella Carr
Energy and Resilience Project Manager
Education Session

Mark Fasel

Mark Fasel
Director of PMG Resources
Education Session

Gary Gauthier

Gary Gauthier
Director of PMG Resources
Education Session

John Gibson

John Gibson
Instructor, Code Training
Education Session

Samhar Hoz

Samhar Hoz
Associate Staff Engineer, MEM,
Codes and Standards
Education Session

Sandra Hyde

Sandra Hyde
Managing Director,
Product Development
Education Session

Daniel Janousek

Daniel Janousek
Senior Product Manager,
International Code Council
Insight Session

Cristina LoVerde

Cristina LoVerde
Vice President Client
Engagement, General Code
Insight Session

Joan O'Neil

Joan O'Neil
Chief Knowledge Officer,
International Code Council
Insight Session

Lisa Reiheld

Lisa Reiheld
Director of PMG Resources
Education Session

Matt Sigler

Matt Sigler
PMG Executive Director
Insight Session

Jerica Stacey

Jerica Stacey
Energy Code Specialist
Education Session

Kris Stenger

Kris Stenger
Director of Energy Programs
Education Session

Michael Temesvary

Michael Temesvary
Vice President of Sales and External Relations, ICC-ES
Education Session

Doug Thornburg

Doug Thornburg
Vice President and Technical Director, Products and Services
Education Session

Matthew Winn

Matthew Winn
Senior Vice President, Training
Education Session

Scott Winn

Scott Winn
Senior Director, Training
Education Session

2023 Conference – What’s New

What’s New

Here's an overview of what’s new this year:

  • First-Timers Program – Navigate your first conference with confidence! This program provides a guided experience that will help you get the most out of your time at our annual conference. The program includes a pre-conference virtual orientation that provides an overview of the conference and schedule, discusses key events and offers valuable tips. At the conference, first timers will be invited to an exclusive mixer where they can meet each other, ask questions and speak with several conference veterans. If you’re a first timer and have questions, contact Tamika Dunning for assistance.
  • Stump the Bot – Experience the latest code intelligence and AI-powered tools from ICC Digital Codes Premium. Put your code knowledge to the test to beat the bot and score free ICC hats, bags and shirts!

    Visit us in the ICC Resource Center where every player wins a prize! Sunday, Noon–2 pm, 3–5 pm; Monday, 9–11 am, 2–4 pm.

ICC-AI NAVIGATORThe power of AI, trained by ICC Experts

ICC PREMIUM ANSWERSReal questions answered by our expert team

  • Insight Sessions – A new way to earn CEUs! Join us for one of six insightful discussions where we’ve assembled experts from across the Code Council and the building industry to help you master the basics and keep up with ever-changing hot topics. Sessions will fill quickly so be sure to be on time and grab a seat.
  • Volunteer Outing – Help the Code Council leave an impact on the local community by volunteering at the Veterans Community Project campus. Volunteers are needed to help clean up and beautify the tiny home village that provides veterans with the tools necessary to return to a stable, prosperous and independent life. The volunteering event is hosted by the Code Council's Military Families Program. To volunteer on Sunday, October 8 from 11:30 am to 3 pm, sign up here.
  • Bridge Building Challenge – Join the fun and make new friends (or maybe some rivals!) during this engineering challenge that is open to all. Enter to build bridges against your challengers for bragging rights and glory! This challenge will take place on Monday, October 9 from 3 – 6 pm at the Expo Hall. Register here.
  • Headshot Café – Upgrade your profile pics with a free professional headshot. Visit the Expo on Sunday, October 8, from 3 – 7 pm and Monday, October 9 from 2 – 7 pm to get a fresh photo taken for your social media and professional accounts. First come, first serve.
    Sponsored by ORACLE
  • Blues N’ Schmooze – Connections Gala guests are invited to unwind and create lasting memories at the Blues N’ Schmooze event where you’ll have the opportunity to hear local blues music played by Kalvin Dobbins & The River Roosters (listen), hit the dance floor, and enjoy desserts and drinks with your friends and colleagues.
  • Building Safety Leadership Experience – Advance your career and optimize your conference experience by applying for this new program. The Building Safety Leadership Experience provides a unique opportunity for members to engage with leaders and stakeholders at the ICC Annual Conference and Expo. The participants attend a series of events throughout the conference, learning about Code Council governance, ICC’s Chapter program and the Membership Councils. Participants receive complimentary registration to the ICC Annual Conference and Expo and will be reimbursed for associated airfare, ground transportation and lodging costs. The application period closed on July 15.
  • Build-A-Bear Giveaway & Appearance – Did you know that St. Louis is the home of Build-A-Bear? Stop by St Louis Host Chapter Booth 101 to get your free Build-A-Bear stuffed animal. Supplies will be limited so don’t forget to make a stop. We’ll also have a visit to the Expo by the official Build-A-Bear mascot, Bearemy. Have your cameras ready.

2023 Conference – Why Attend

Why You Should Attend

This year’s conference will feature industry-leading educational sessions,
special networking events, inspiring speakers and historic building tours

Who Should Attend

Attendees who will benefit from this Conference include:

  • Building Design Professionals
  • Building Construction Professionals
  • Building Officials
  • Building Department Administrators
  • Contractors
  • Code Inspectors
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Fire Protection Personnel
  • Code Enforcement
  • Permit Technicians
  • Plan Review

Benefits of Annual Conference Education Sessions

No matter where you are in your building safety career – just starting out or in the thick of things and looking to expand your code knowledge or leadership skills – ICC has a track record of delivering value. Our attendees walk away with smart strategies, actionable tactics, improved skills and real connections with the people who are shaping the future of building safety.

Get Your Boss on Board

Need to demonstrate why the Code Council's conference is a good investment? We’ve got you covered with our justification letter template. Use this template to explain what you’ll get out of attending the event, and how much it will cost. Feel free to customize as needed.

About ICC

The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions that include product evaluation, accreditation, technology, training, and certification. The Code Council's codes, standards, and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable, and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.

The International Code Council (ICC) family of solutions includes the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), S.K. Ghosh Associates, the International Accreditation Service (IAS), General Code, ICC NTA, ICC Community Development SolutionsAlliance for National & Community Resilience (ANCR), and American Legal Publishing, which are dedicated to the construction of safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures.

DOE SEER2/EER2 Efficiency Requirements

2023 DOE HVAC Efficiency Requirements

What you need to know!

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) enacted new energy efficiency requirements for residential and commercial air conditioners and heat pumps that went into effect on January 1, 2023. These new regulations affect code compliance for mechanical equipment regardless of the state or local code edition that has been adopted because federal appliance standards preempt state and local construction codes.

"NEW" Residential Efficiency Requirements and Test Standards

The efficiency changes for residential products can be confusing.

  • The minimum efficiency requirements and test procedures for residential equipment have been updated and improved; the new test procedures include higher external static pressures, and are intended to be more representative of real life usage.
  • DOE does not allow sell-through of residential split and packaged A/C systems in the southeast and southwest (sell-through of HP systems is permitted). “Sell-through” is the selling and installation of products meeting the old efficiency requirements as long as the products were manufactured before the effective date of the new efficiency requirements.
  • DOE’s requirements for residential products apply differently in specific regions of the United States (DOE addresses 3 regions, north, southwest, and southeast). Compliance in the north is based on date of manufacture, while compliance in the two southern regions is based on date of installation for air conditioning products and date of manufacture for heat pump products.

2023 Regional Efficiencies for Residential Systems

Minimum Efficiency Requirements by Region

Minimum Efficiency Requirements by Region

Minimum Efficiency Requirements by Region

Minimum Efficiency Requirements by Region

Minimum Efficiency Requirements by Region

"NEW" Commercial Efficiency Requirements

The efficiency changes for commercial products are fairly straightforward.

  • Commercial air conditioning and heat pump products ≥65,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h are affected.
  • The efficiency requirements are the same geographically (unlike for residential products which vary by region).
  • The commercial product IEER and COP rating metrics and testing procedures do not change.
  • Product "sell-through" based on the “Date of Manufacture” is allowed for all commercial products.

2023 Efficiencies for Commercial Systems

Minimum Efficiency Requirements

Minimum Efficiency Requirements

  1 Manufactured before January 1, 2023.


Talk to an Expert

For more information, contact Jim Cika, Director of PMG Technical Resources

Jim Cika, Director of PMG Technical Resources

Building Safety Month Teaches How to Advocate for Building Safety in Your Community

Washington, D.C. – The International Code Council’s Building Safety Month campaign continues into week four with a focus on how to promote building safety in your community. Advocating for the adoption and implementation of modern codes and standards can help create a safer built environment by ensuring that buildings are constructed to withstand disastrous events and incorporate the latest accessibility standards.

Week Four: Advocate for Your Community, emphasizes how we all play an important role in making sure the places where we live, work and play are safe.

“This week’s theme provides individuals with resources to raise awareness, educate and engage others about the importance of building safety,” said President of the Code Council Board of Directors Michael Wich, CBO. “We hope to empower individuals and key stakeholders to make informed decisions that can help create a safer, more resilient future for all.”

The U.S. President, along with hundreds of communities and organizations, have issued proclamations declaring May 2023 as Building Safety Month. View the proclamations or submit your own here.

2023 Building Safety Month sponsors include the American Gas Association, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Simpson Strong-Tie, American Institute of Architects, Open Gov, State Farm, and more. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, click here.

More information about Building Safety Month, including details regarding virtual events and downloadable resources, can be found at

To participate in Building Safety Month:


About the International Code Council
The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions. Code Council codes, standards and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.