Contact: Dave Walls
1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233) ext. 7732
First Guide to New Green Construction Code Provides
Insight to Design, Construction, Inspection
The International Code Council and Delmar, part of Cengage Learning, have released the construction industry’s first support publication referencing the 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) to be released this spring.Green Building: A Professional’s Guide to Concepts, Codes and Innovation is the latest joint effort developed by the two organizations that began co-publishing special projects in 2005. “This is the first publication covering the provisions and concepts of theInternational Green Construction Code, and other green standards and rating systems, in a way that would support all construction professionals by laying the foundation for design, construction and inspection based on the 2012 IgCC and its referenced standards,” said ICC Executive Director of Sustainability Dave Walls.
Readers of the guide will have a better understanding of where the building industry is headed and how to become compliant with green practices and regulations. The Green Guide’s 10 chapters include straightforward explanations of how buildings and ecosystems can work together, as well as the sustainability concerns inspiring current regulations. Relevant codes and standards are discussed in-depth, with particular attention to the IgCC and ASHRAE Standard 189.1, as well as environmental concepts and historical precedents. The book contains color photos and illustrations showing real-world application of green construction concepts.
“The new, cutting-edge technologies for today’s green building projects are rapidly becoming standard practice for tomorrow,” said Delmar Vice President Greg Clayton. “In order for industry professionals to keep up with this trend, they’ll need to have a solid grasp on green building and the technologies, market forces and governmental policies that drive it. Delmar and the Code Council understand the need for current, environmentally friendly green building information, and we are actively working together to produce more materials that support all aspects of this industry.”
The Green Guide is coauthored by a duo of registered architects with strong experience in sustainability, design and code development. Anthony Floyd, AIA, LEED AP, serves as Senior Green Building Consultant for Scottsdale, Ariz., where he maintains the city’s green building criteria and conducts public outreach. In 1995, he studied sustainability on a global level visiting four continents during a nine-month period. Allan Bilka, R.A., is Senior Staff Architect at the Code Council where he serves as Secretariat in the development of the IgCC. He is involved with the development of training and certification materials to support the new code and instructs seminars on sustainable topics. He has written numerous articles and white papers related to green and sustainable building.
The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.
Cengage Learning is a leading provider of innovative teaching, learning and research solutions for the academic, professional and library markets worldwide. Delmar, part of Cengage Learning, is the leading provider of lifelong learning products and services for the health care, technology and trades, and career education markets. Delmar's market-leading imprints include Autodesk Press, Chilton, Milady, NetLearning and OnWord Press.