ICC News Release
For Immediate Release: June 9, 2022
Contact: Donna Campbell | (734) 660-6518
dcampbell@iccsafe.org | www.iccsafe.org
International Code Council Technical Training Program introduces building codes to high school and college students
The program was created to help teach the importance of building codes and prepare students for careers in building safety

Washington, D.C. – The International Code Council’s Technical Training Program (TTP) introduces students to building codes associated with the trades and helps them understand the importance of building codes in the construction process. Part of the Code Council’s signature Safety 2.0 portfolio of programs, the TTP is another tool to welcome a new generation of members and leaders to the building safety profession.

The TTP utilizes the International Residential Code (IRC) and IRC study companion as the primary resources for the program. Organized into six separate modules—building, masonry, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, energy—the TTP enables schools to easily integrate one or more disciplines into current curriculum. Students learn up-to-date code information and technical training along with practical training for the workplace. The program includes the necessary course materials, exams and completion certificates.

This year, the Code Council launched a Technical Training Program Portal that provides instructors and students complete digital access to the TTP. After joining the TTP, instructors can use the portal to host the program. Once they establish their course in the portal, they invite their students to create an account and join their course. The Code Council provides instructions to both instructors and their students on course material.

The program’s technical content (2018 IRC and study companion), quizzes and exams are all available digitally through the portal. Instructors can supplement the program with their own additional content and customize administration and delivery. In addition, the portal provides automated monitoring of student performance and progress and features student communication and study tools.

“The Technical Training Program can be implemented through career and technical education programs and schools as well as community colleges with building or construction majors. We are also exploring the potential for building departments and building safety service providers to apply this program as an introductory course,” said Code Council Director of Safety 2.0 Programs Madi Dominescy. “And now, with the TTP Portal, this program is virtually accessible to anyone interested in teaching building codes as a foundation to their programs.”

Students who complete the program will receive a nationally recognized, stackable and transferable certificate from the Code Council upon completion of any of the six disciplines and passing a final exam. Students who earn a certificate of completion in all six disciplines will be better prepared for the Code Council’s Residential Building Inspector Certification exam. Learn more about the Code Council’s certification exams.

Visual resources will soon be available for instructors to help navigate the TTP Portal. Find out more about the Code Council’s Safety 2.0 Technical Training Program.


About the International Code Council
The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions. Code Council codes, standards and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.