About Building Safety Month

Building Safety Month is an international campaign that takes place in May to raise awareness about building safety. This campaign reinforces the need for the adoption of modern, regularly-updated building codes, and helps individuals, families and businesses understand what it takes to create safe and sustainable structures.

The International Code Council, its 64,000 members, and a diverse partnership of professionals from the building construction, design and safety communities come together with corporations, government agencies, professional associations and nonprofits to promote building safety through proclamations, informational events, legislative briefings and more. We come together to support Building Safety Month because we understand the need for safe and sustainable structures where we live, work and play.

All communities need building codes to protect their citizens from disasters like fires, weather-related events and structural collapse. Building codes are society's best way of protecting homes, offices, schools, manufacturing facilities, stores and entertainment venues. Code officials work day in and day out to keep the public safe.


2021 Building Safety Month



For the last 41 years, we have celebrated advances in constructing safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient buildings and homes. The ongoing support of Building Safety Month and the important role code officials play in public safety in the built environment has come from U.S. presidents, governors, mayors, county executives, other government officials and construction industry professionals.

Building Safety Month 2021 Recap

The 2021 Building Safety Month theme was, “Prevent, Prepare, Protect. Building Codes Save.”

Over two hundred jurisdictions and organizations issued proclamations proclaiming May 2021 Building Safety Month including U.S. President Biden. “Investing in our infrastructure and adopting and implementing modern building codes are the most effective mitigation measures communities can undertake.” View the proclamation for National Building Safety Month, here.

With the campaign being strictly virtual this year, the Code Council hosted four virtual events with over 740 attendees.  The Building Safety Month celebration also took place on social media with more than 4,000 video views and shares and the hashtags #BuildingSafetyMonth365 and #PreventPrepareProtect being retweeted and used more than 1500 times.

Over the course of the campaign two ICC Pulse Podcast episodes were released, receiving more than 600 downloads in the first week.

Finally, with the generous support of 20 sponsors, the campaign raised $77K.

In 2021, the Building Safety Month campaign had:

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