San Diego Chapter Champions Military Families Career Path Program
San Diego is home to multiple military installations, including over 115,000 active-duty service members split between the Navy and Marine Corps. Over 230,000 military veterans call the area home as well.

In partnership with Vets2PM, the International Code Council’s Military Families Career Path Program (MFCPP) educates veterans who are transitioning to civilian life, along with their family members, about building safety…

Deadline is Approaching to Submit Public Comments for the Interim Public Assistance Mitigation Cost Incentive Policy
This policy would reward communities at the forefront of code implementation with millions in additional recovery funding, offering Authorities Having Jurisdiction a strong incentive to stay up to date with code adoption while motivating others to catch up.

Wednesday January 29, 2025,  is the deadline to submit public comments to FEMA in support of its Interim Public Assistance Mitigation Cost Incentive Policy. This interim policy introduces an increase…