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Free Codes
- Category: Arkansas
- Category: California
- Category: Florida
- Category: Idaho
- Category: International Code and Commentary
- Category: International Codes
- Category: Minnesota
- Category: New Jersey
- Category: New York
- Category: New York City
- Category: North Carolina
- Category: Ohio
- Category: Oregon
- Category: Phoenix, Arizona
- Category: Seattle, Washington
- Category: Seismic Design Maps
- Category: South Carolina
- Category: Texas
- Category: Vermont
- Category: Virginia
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Arkansas Codes
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California Codes
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Florida Codes
Product Link:Florida Codes
Idaho Codes
Product Link:Idaho Codes
2006 IBC Code and Commentary Vol I Chapter 1 Demo Format
International Codes
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Minnesota Codes
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New Jersey Codes
Product Link:New Jersey Codes
New York State Codes
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New York City Codes
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North Carolina Codes
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Ohio Codes
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Oregon Codes
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Phoenix Codes
Product Link:Vermont Codes
Seattle Codes
Product Link:Seattle Codes
Seismic Design Maps
Product Link:Seismic Design Maps
South Carolina Codes
Product Link:South Carolina Codes
San Antonio Codes
Product Link:San Antonio Codes
Houston Codes
Product Link:Houston Codes
Vermont Codes
Product Link:Vermont Codes
Virginia Codes
Product Link:Virginia Codes
Free Books
- Category: IECC Compliance Options for Wood-Frame Wall Assemblies
- Category: Firestopping Inspection Manual - Inspector Pocket Guide
- Category: Code Conforming Wood Design: Based on the 2015 IBC
- Category: Code Conforming Wood Design: Based on the 2012 IBC
- Category: Code Conforming Wood Design: Based on the 2009 IBC
Link to Content
IECC Compliance Options for Wood-Frame Wall Assemblies
Firestopping Inspection Manual - Inspector Pocket Guide
Code Conforming Wood Design: Based on the 2015 IBC
Code Conforming Wood Design: Based on the 2012 IBC
Code Conforming Wood Design: Based on the 2009 IBC
Free Standards
- Category: USC Standards
- Category: ICC Standards
- Category: HUD Standards
- Category: FEMA Standards
- Category: DOTn Standards
- Category: DOL Standards
- Category: DOJ Standards
- Category: DOC Standards
- Category: CPSC Standards
- Category: AWC/AF&PA Standards
- Category: APA Standards
Link to Content
18 USC Part 1, CH 40 - Importation, Manufacture, Distribution And Storage Of Explosive Materials
ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
HUD 24 CFR Part 3280 (2008) - Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards
NEHRP Recommended Provisions and Commentary for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures. 2003 Edition
Home Builder's Guide to Coastal Construction
Safe Rooms and Shelters: Protecting People Against Terrorist Attacks
Risk Assessment A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks
Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings
Primer to Design Safe School Projects in Case of Terrorism Attacks
Primer for Design of Commercial Buildings to Mitigate Terrorist Attacks
Insurance, Finance, and Regulation Primer for Terrorism Risk Management in Buildings
Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room For Your Home or Small Business
Design Guide for Improving School Safety in Earthquakes, Floods and High Winds
Design Guide for Improving Hospital Safety in Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds Providing Protection to People and Buildings
Recommended Residential Construction for Coastal Areas
Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards
Design Guide for Improving Critical Facility Safety from flooding and High Winds: Providing Protection for People and Buildings
Design and Construction Guidance for Community Safe Rooms
Coastal Construction Manual: Principles and Practices of Planning, Siting, Designing, Constructing, and Maintaining Residential Buildings in Coastal Areas (4th ed.)
Typical Costs for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. Volume 2: Supporting Documentation. Second Edition
Typical Costs for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings Volume 1 Summary Second Edition
The Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings
Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: Supporting Documentation. Second Edition
Promoting the Adoption and Enforcement of Seismic Building Codes A Guidebook for State Earthquake and Mitigation Managers
Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Retail Buildings: Providing Protection to People and Buildings
Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Office Buildings: Providing Protection to People and Buildings
Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Multifamily Apartment Buildings: Providing Protection to People and Buildings
Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Hotel and Motel Buildings
Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Hospital Buildings: Providing Protection to People and Buildings
Effects of Strength and Stiffness Degradation on Seismic Response
Homebuilders' Guide to Earthquake-Resistant Design and Construction
Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings Technical Resources
Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings Basic Procedures Manual
Designing for Earthquakes: A Manual for Architects
Communicating with Owners and Managers of New Buildings on Earthquake Risk: A Primer for Design Professionals
FA/TB-2-08 Flood-Damage Resistant Materials Requirements
P646-08 Guidelines for Design for Structures for Vertical Evacuation for Tsunamis
FIA-TB_11-01 Crawlspace Construction for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas
49 CFR, Parts 192.281(e) & 192.283(b) (2009) - Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline
49 CFR Parts 173, 137 (2009) - Shippers-General Req for Shipments and Packages: Class 8-Assignment of Packing Group
49 CFR Parts 173, 137 (2005) - Shippers-General Req for Shipments and Packaging
49 CFR Part 172 (2009) - Hazardous Materials Tables, Special Prov, Hazardous Materials Communications
49 CFR Part 172 (2005) - Hazardous Materials Tables, Special Prov, Hazardous Materials Communications
33 CFR Part 156 (1998) - Oil and Hazardous Material Transfer Operations
33 CFR Part 155 (1998) - Oil or Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention Reg for Vessels
33 CFR Part 154 (1998) - Facilities Transferring Oil or Hazardous Material in Bulk
29 CFR Part 1910.1200 (2009) - Hazardous Communication
29 CFR Part 1910.1200 (1999) - Hazardous Communication
29 CFR Part 1910.1025 (2009) - Toxic and Hazardous Substances
29 CFR Part 1910.1000 (2009) - Air Contaminants
DOJ 36 CFR Part 1192 - ADA Accessibility Guidelines For Transportation Vehicles (ADAAG)
16 CFR Part 1632 (2009) - Standard for Flammability of Mattress and Mattress Pads
16 CFR Part 1632 (1999) - Standard for Flammability of Mattress and Mattress Pads
PS-20-10 American Softwood Lumber Standard
PS-2-10 Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels
PS-2-04 Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels
PS-2-92 Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels
PS-1-09 Structural Plywood
PS-1-07 Structural Plywood
PS-1-95 Construction and Industrial Plywood
16 CFR Part 1630 (2007) - Standard for the Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs
16 CFR Part 1630 (2000) - Standard for the Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs
16 CFR Part 1507 (2002) - Fireworks Devices
16 CFR Part 1507 (2001) - Fireworks Devices
16 CFR Part 1500.44 (2009) - Method for Determining Extremely Flammable and Flammable Solids
16 CFR Part 1500.44 (2001) - Method for Determining Extremely Flammable and Flammable Solids
16 CFR Part 1500.42 (2009) - Test For Eye Irritants
16 CFR Part 1500.41 (2009) - Method for Testing Primary Irritant Substances
16 CFR Part 1500 (2009) - Hazardous Substances and Articles, Admin and Enforcement Regulations
16 CFR Part 1209 (2002) Interim Safety Standard for Cellulose Insulation
16 CFR Part 1404 (2002) - Cellulose Insulation
16 CFR Part 1201 (2002) - Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing
WFCM Caribbean Basin Builders
WFCM High Wind Guides 130 MPH Wind Zones - based on 2001 WFCM
WFCM High Wind Guides 120 MPH Wind Zones - based on 2001 WFCM
WFCM High Wind Guides 110 MPH Wind Zones - based on 2001 WFCM
WFCM High Wind Guides 100 MPH Wind Zones - based on 2001 WFCM
WFCM High Wind Guides 90 MPH Wind Zones - based on 2001 WFCM
Wood Construction Data
Span Tables for Joists and Rafters (AWC - 12) including Design Values for Joists and Rafters
Wood Frame Construction Manual Workbook: Design of Wood Frame Buildings for High Wind, Snow and Seismic Loads - based on 2001 WFCM
APA E30 Engineered Wood Construction Guide
APA EWS X440 Product Guide-Glulam
APA EWS T300 Glulam Connection Details
APA EWS S560 Field Notching and Drilling of Glued Laminated Timber Beams
APA EWS S475 Glued Laminated Beam Design Tables
APA EWS R540 Builders Tips: Proper Handling and Storage of Glulam Beams
APA PDS Supplement 5--08 Design and Fabrication of All-plywood Beams (revised 2008)
APA PDS Supplement 4--90 Design and Fabrication of Plywood Sandwich Panels (revised 1993)
APA PDS Supplement 3--90 Design and Fabrication of Plywood Stressed-skin Panels (revised 1996)
APA PDS Supplement 2--92 Design and Fabrication of Plywood-Lumber Beams (revised 1998)
APA PDS Supplement 1--90 Design and Fabrication of Plywood Curved Panels (revised 1995)
APA PDS Panel Design Specification
ANSI/APA PRP 210-2008 Standard for Performance-Rated Engineered Wood Siding