Helping Architects Become Proficient in the

Training Led by the Organization that Develops the Code

Design Professional Institute

This 2-day institute is a must-attend event. Relevant topics include: Occupancy Classification, Height & Area, Fire Safety, Sprinklers, Means of Egress, Accessibility and additional information from theInternational Codes® (I-Codes®)

Architect and Engineer Design Coordination

This 1-hour interactive online course will analyze project scopes, scheduling, quality control, and the permitting process; all items that will need to be coordinated before and during the design of the project.

2018 IBC® Means of Egress

This seminar addresses numerous provisions in the 2018 International Building Code® (IBC®) where the code contains requirements pertaining to establishing a means of egress in buildings. During this training, participants will listen to lecture and view examples, as well as discuss sections of the IBC that pertain to means of egress. They will participate in activities that involve a set of plans.

Accessibility and Usability: Commercial and Residential

This seminar focuses on the minimum requirements for new or existing construction of accessible commercial buildings and residential facilities for compliance with the International Building Code® (IBC®) and ICC A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities. It addresses the design, plan review and inspection of residential buildings and facilities to ensure that people with physical impairments, visual impairments and hearing impairments can use the facilities. Attendees will participate in activities that involve questions and answers, discussion and case study, performing parts of individually and in groups.

Significant Changes to the A117.1, 2017 Edition

This course offers an overview and in-depth coverage of the changes from the 2003 to the 2017 A117.1 Accessibility Standard. It identifies important changes in organization, accessibility standard requirements and the applicability of these requirements to design, plan review and inspection. This course uses the ICC publication Significant changes to the A117.1 Accessibility Standard – 2017 Edition.

2018 IBC® Mixed Occupancies

Based on the provisions of International Building Code® (IBC®) Section 508, this seminar addresses those special requirements applicable to buildings containing two or more occupancy classifications. The three mixed-occupancy options are presented along with examples and exercises that illustrate the proper application of the provisions.

2018 IBC® Allowable Heights and Areas

Based on the provisions of International Building Code® (IBC®) Chapter 5, this seminar focuses on how a building’s occupancy classification and type of construction relate to the maximum building size permitted by the IBC. The approach to determining a building’s maximum allowable height and area is explained, including use of Table 503 and all related permitted increases due to sprinkler protection and frontage open space. Detailed provisions related to mezzanines and unlimited area buildings are also addressed.

Overview of the ICC 500

The ICC 500 is a standard for the design and construction of storm shelters. This course will review the scoping, or where it is required to use the ICC 500 in the codes. There will also be an overview of the technical requirements, or the how to, in Chapters 1-9 in the ICC 500.