Committee Reconsideration
Committee Reconsideration
Appeals are an important part of the code development process. See below for the live stream of the appeal hearing for committee reconsideration.
Hearing Procedure (see Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of CP1)
The appellants presentation will be first, followed by those in support of the appeal. The Code Council’s presentation is next, followed by those in opposition to the appeal. The Appeals Board has the discretion to vary the order of presentations. Each appellant will have 30 minutes to make their presentation. All other participants will have 10 minutes, subject to the discretion of the Appeals Board in the event that the number of participants requires a reduction in time limits in order to complete the hearing. All participants will have an opportunity for rebuttal.
In all cases, the Appeals Board will deliberate and take action on each appeal separately. The action taken by the Appeals Board will be posted on the appeals webpage. The report of the Chair of the Appeals Board will be submitted to the CEO for submission to the Code Council Board of Directors for review and action in accordance with Section 7.0 of CP1.