ICC Board Takes Action on Feedback on the ICC Code Development Process

ICC Board Solicits Feedback on the ICC Code Development Process

The International Code Council develops the ICC Family of Codes used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes. Following the most recent triannual code development cycle, in support of the Code Council’s continual improvement to its programs and services, the ICC Board of Directors has announced a “Call for Feedback” on any and all aspects of the code development process and code development cycles.

Board Actions on Feedback/Comments on the ICC Code Development Process Posted.  In 2016, the ICC board began a formal process to allow stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback to the board on the code development process. In May 2017, the board reviewed the feedback and took the actions noted in this report.

In September 2017, the board issued the updated version of CP 28 Code Development (dated 9/09/17) based on feedback received.


In 2015, ICC entered into a new agreement with ASHRAE to develop the 2018 IgCC. As a result, hosting a Group C cycle was not necessary. Since then, ICC has received numerous suggestions on what to do in 2017 since there would not be any Code Development Hearings. ICC responded with the ICC Training & Certification Summit to be held May 22 – 26, 2017 at the University of Texas at Arlington.

In addition to suggestions on what to do in 2017, many members and organizations have made further suggestions on what they feel could be improvements to the Code Development Process, some of which have been forwarded to the ICC Board.

Recognizing the need to formalize the process to allow ICC stakeholders to provide feedback directly to the ICC Board, the Board has directed staff to engage the stakeholders by announcing a “Call for Feedback” on any and all aspects of the ICC Code Development Process.

The following is the implementation schedule:

  • Feedback received prior to the 2016 Annual Conference will be reported at the Members Forum on Monday, October 17th in Kansas City.
  • Additional feedback will be solicited at the Members Forum.
  • Staff will assemble and post a report following the Members Forum.
  • Comments on the report as well as additional feedback can be submitted through November 30th.
  • A Preliminary Report will be submitted to the ICC Board for the December/2016 Board meeting. This report will include responses that are time sensitive to the 2018/2019 Cycle which require Board action and early notification in 2017.
  • Additional feedback will be received through February 15, 2017 which will be posted for comments.
  • A Final Report will be submitted to the ICC Board for the May/2017 Board meeting.


If you have any questions, please contact Mike Pfeiffer at mpfeiffer@iccsafe.org.