ICC, BPI Introduce Building Science Principles Reference Guide
For Immediate Release September 23, 2015 www.iccsafe.org |
Contact: Dianna Hallmark 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 3441 dhallmark@iccsafe.org |
ICC, BPI Introduce Building Science Principles Reference GuideCode officials, inspectors and tradespeople using the International Codes and the new guide will be able to determine if a building performs to code
“It’s always a good thing when code officials, home builders, contractors and homeowners are speaking the same language,” said Larry Zarker, BPI CEO. “Partnering with ICC on a co-branded version of the BSP Reference Guide helps to make that happen.” The BSP Reference Guide is a solid first step into the world of home performance for those in residential building trades. Using everyday language and full-color graphics, the reference guide addresses how the systems of a home interact and discusses the fundamental scientific principles of heat, moisture and air movement that impact a dwelling’s overall performance. Code officials using ICC’s International Codes and the new BSP will be well equipped to determine if a building is performing to code. “This publication is an excellent resource and supports ICC’s commitment to sustainable and affordable structures,” said Mark Johnson, ICC Executive Vice President and Director of Business Development. “ICC is pleased to collaborate with BPI in making the BSP Reference Guide more widely available.” The BSP Reference Guide can be used as an everyday residential energy efficiency reference or to prepare for BPI’s Building Science Principles online exam. Candidates who pass the 100-question exam earn a Building Science Principles Certificate of Knowledge. The BSP Guide is available in English and Spanish. It can be purchased online or at the ICC Annual Conference in Long Beach, Calif. ### About us: The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes. The Building Performance Institute is the nation’s premier building performance credentialing, quality assurance and standards setting organization. BPI develops technical standards using an open, transparent, consensus-based process built on sound building science. From these standards, we develop professional certifications for individuals, companywide credentials for BPI GoldStar Contractors, home energy rating systems and quality assurance services that help raise the bar in home performance contracting. BPI is approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) as an accredited developer of American National Standards and as a certifying body for personnel credentials. |