Individuals honored for contributions to safety and resiliency

Individuals honored for contributions to safety and resiliency


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The Building Safety Journal reports from Richmond
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
The International Code Council honored several individuals for their contributions to safety and resiliency in the built environment during the Members Luncheon at the Annual Conference. Christine Rose, deputy building official for the city of Fargo, N.D., received the Gerald H. Jones Code Official of the Year Award.
Fire Chief Tonya Hoover, superintendent of the U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Academy, was presented the ICC Fire Service Award. Colorado Code Consulting received the ICC Educator of the Year Award. The new Excellence in Public Safety Award was given to Frank Bush, general manager and superintendent of building for the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.
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Ron Burton was posthumously presented the prestigious Bobby J. Fowler Award during the Annual Banquet at ICC's 2018 Annual Conference in Richmond, Va. The Fowler Award honors the memory of the first chairman of the ICC Board of Directors and is presented to individuals whose contributions to the building safety industry advance a safer built environment.
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International Code Council Board of Directors Immediate Past President Jay Elbettar presented his 2018 President's Award to the members of ICC during Tuesday night's Annual Banquet. The award is based on the selection by the president of a recipient worthy of special recognition for service to the Code Council.
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Newly elected ICC Board of Directors President Bill Bryant spoke on the importance of building safety and prepping for the future by adopting and enforcing building codes to prevent structural collapse, natural disasters and fires; building resilient communities to withstand future disasters; and adapting along with advancements in digital transformitive technology.
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This year's ICC Government Relations Forum featured a prestigious group of speakers in Richmond — including Angela R. Gladwell, Henry Kosarzycki, Amanda Jackson-Acosta and Jim Ellwood — to present on a number of current topics and emerging trends across the country.
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