ICC  Members & Chapters: Important Update

The International Code Council is looking at potentially postponing the Annual Conference & Expo in October. There are a lot of considerations, including a concern for the health of our members and employees. We’d like to know if you anticipate being able to attend if the fall conference goes forward as planned. Please take this short survey to help inform our decision.

Share your input

Upcoming Deadlines
Here are some important deadlines coming up in the next couple months at the Code Council.

Building Safety Month

Building Safety Month begins on May 1. Safety in the built environment is an essential component of maintaining public health, making Building Safety Month more relevant now than ever. We hope that you will join us in supporting this important campaign. #BuildingSafety365
Please note: If you would like to help raise public awareness of building safety and its role in keeping our communities prepared and healthy, there is still time to become a sponsor.

Please contact us at 888-ICC-SAFE (888-422-7233) ext. 0 or customersuccess@iccsafe.org if you have questions.