For Immediate Release September 26, 2017 |
Contact: Whitney Doll (202) 568-1798 |
Award recipients honored at 2017 ICC annual conferenceIndividuals and organizations honored for their accomplishments and service to ICC and the building safety industry COLUMBUS, OHIO — The International Code Council (ICC) honored outstanding individuals and organizations for their accomplishments and service to the Code Council and the building safety industry during the 2017 Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, from September 10-13, 2017. The Bobby J. Fowler Award honors the memory of the first chairman of the ICC Board of Directors who led the charge to consolidate three regional model code organizations into one association. This award is presented to a leader who demonstrates integrity, professionalism and compassion in furthering the mission of ICC. This year’s Fowler Award was presented to David Collins, FAIA, chair of the ICC Sustainability, Energy & High-Performance Building Code Action Committee and member of the Ohio Board of Building Standards. Mr. Collins is a nationally-recognized expert in codes and regulations with 40 years of experience in the industry. The Gerald H. Jones Code Official of the Year Award is awarded to an individual whose contributions advance the code enforcement profession and ICC’s mission. The award is presented in honor of the founders of the three model code organizations: Albert H. Baum, M.L. Clement and Phil Roberts. The 2017 Code Official of the Year Award was given to Becky Baker, director of building safety for Jefferson County, Colo. An honorary member of the Code Council, Becky has chaired and served on several code development and member committees and has been a governmental member of ICC since 1984. The ICC Fire Service Award is presented in honor of Robert W. Gain, a founder of the Uniform Fire Code and a prominent member of the organizations that created the International Fire Code (IFC). The award is given to a member whose professional abilities and leadership serve as an example to all fire prevention and fire protection professionals. The recipient of the 2017 ICC Fire Service Award was Gary Lewis who has served three terms as President of the New Jersey Fire Prevention and Protection Association as well as on numerous code development committees. Mr. Lewis’ unique blend of experience, expertise and knowledge has contributed significantly to the success of the IFC. The ICC Educator of the Year Award recognizes excellence in promoting professional development. The award is given in memory of Brent Snyder, a renowned Code Council educator and Past Presiding Officer, for his calm and inspiring leadership. The 2017 Educator of the Year Award was given to Bill Bracken, a nationally-recognized expert in structural engineering and disaster response. Mr. Bracken is one of the main developers of ICC’s When Disaster Strikes Institute, one of only two programs in the nation accepted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for structural assessment after a disaster. The ICC Community Service Award recognizes outstanding service that promotes public health, safety and welfare. The first recipient of the award was Women in Code Enforcement and Development (WICED) and PermitTechNation, for their partnership with Habitat for Humanity in promoting the construction of code compliant, affordable housing. The second recipient of the Community Service Award was the Building Department of the City of San Jose, Calif., for its innovative approach to community outreach and public education. The Chapter of the Year Award recognizes extraordinary performance by a chapter in promoting the goals and mission of ICC. The 2017 recipient of the Chapter of the Year Award was the Connecticut Building Officials Association for being a leading advocate on legislative issues affecting code officials and for the development of the Connecticut State Building Code. The Chapter Merit Awards recognize chapters that distinguish themselves through activities demonstrating ICC’s goals and objectives. The Maine Building Officials and Inspectors Association (MBOIA) was given a Chapter Merit Award for being a driving force for Maine’s participation in code development, legislation and policy affecting code officials and the built environment. The second recipient was the Utah Chapter for having an essential and influential role in the code development process at the state and national level for several years. The Regions Spotlight Award is presented to a regional chapter that has demonstrated strong cooperation, community service and growth. This year’s recipient was ICC Region II for its mentorship challenge and RISE UP message that serve as just two of many initiatives inspiring members and chapters to advance and embrace the ICC mission. The Meritorious Service Award is granted to an individual who has given unselfishly of time and talent in furthering the development of ICC codes and standards. The recipient of the 2017 Meritorious Service Award was David Cook who has served for 15 years as Chief of the Building Codes Bureau at the Montana Department of Labor and Industry. Mr. Cook has been active in national code development activities for more than two decades and has advanced safety in the built environment through innovative leadership and collaboration with stakeholders from all sectors of the industry. The National Leadership in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the growth and enhancement of codes or public policy espousing the principles of the ICC Sustainability Membership Council and the Institute for Market Transformation. Two awards are presented: one is awarded to a state or local government entity, and the other is presented to an individual in regulation, industry or design. The first recipient of the 2017 award was the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). PNNL’s customized code analyses for energy efficiency and cost impact in residential and construction are regularly cited by states and jurisdictions across the country when adopting or updating energy codes. The second recipient this year was Osama Younan, chief sustainability officer for the Los Angeles Department of Building Safety. Mr. Younan led the development of the Los Angeles Green Building Codes and created the Department’s Green Building Division. ICC congratulates all of this year’s award recipients. ### About the International Code Council