For Immediate Release June 29, 2017 |
Contact: Whitney Doll (202) 568-1798 |
ICC releases update to building accessibility standardICC A117.1 provides greater accessibility to buildings Washington, D.C. –The International Code Council (ICC) released an update to the 2009 ICC A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities standard that provides greater accessibility to buildings for persons with physical disabilities and incorporates new elements of building design. The 2017 standard is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) American National Standard and was developed through a consensus-based process that brings together all the stakeholders, including disability-rights groups, code officials, product manufacturers, design professionals, and facility owners and managers. The ICC A117.1 standard helps achieve uniformity in the technical design criteria in building codes that allow a person with a physical disability — such as the inability to walk, blindness or deafness — to independently get to, enter and use a facility. The standard is intended for adoption by government agencies and organizations. “ICC staff worked tirelessly to shepherd the 2017 version of the accessibility standard through the approval process. We’re pleased to present this updated standard, which takes into account the latest technology, such as powered wheelchairs and electric vehicles,” said ICC Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims, CBO. This updated edition of the standard continues to meet or exceed provisions with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines and the Fair Housing Design Guidelines. The standard includes:
To learn more about the new standard, visit
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