Contact: Steve Van Note
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International Code Council, Delmar Announce Series of
Books to Help Learn the 2012 International Codes New ‘Code Basics’ series uses easily understandable language
and logical topic organization to make code concepts more user-friendly
The International Code Council (ICC), publisher of the family of International Codes, and Delmar, part of Cengage Learning and a leading provider of learning solutions for ongoing career development and education, announce the Code Basics series, a new series of books that break down the language within the 2012 I-Codes and makes the content more user friendly for building professionals. The series consists of four titles focusing on the new commercial, green, residential and energy codes recently released by the ICC. With two currently available, and two to be released by the end of 2012, these new books will feature illustrations highlighting key updates and changes in the 2012 codes, practical on-the-job scenarios for real-world applications and straight-forward explanations. These features help to facilitate the learning of technical terms and clarify the meaning behind important vocabulary. The books in the series include:
Building Code Basics Residential: Based on the 2012 International Residential Code® – The first book in the series and currently available for purchase features code references and descriptive illustrations and tables to explain the fundamentals of the 2012 International Residential Code. Chapters progress in the order of construction – from site-work and foundations, to fire and life safety and environmental requirements of a finished residence. Building Code Basics Residential is an ideal resource for both beginning and experienced code users to ensure compliance.
Building Code Basics Commercial: Based on the 2012 International Building Code® – Also currently available, this book covers the basic concepts of the 2012 International Building Code® (IBC®) and was created to benefit both first-time and experienced users. It explores base requirements in a straightforward, easy-to-read format and simplifies the IBC's regulations and critical concepts so that users can build a foundation for learning and applying the codes.
Building Code Basics Green: Based on the 2012 International Green Construction Code® – Green, environmentally-conscious construction is the driving force behind many of today’s new construction projects. This book, which will be available in the fall of 2012, prepares users to work with the 2012 International Green Construction Code® (IgCC®). It is a practical guide to green and sustainable construction and was designed to appeal to anyone with an interest in green and sustainable construction. It introduces the mandatory provisions of the IgCC®, while also extending its scope to tackle project electives and jurisdictional requirements, designed to promote the construction of buildings beyond the code's minimum requirements to higher performance thresholds.
Building Code Basics Energy: Based on the 2012 International Energy Code® – Available in the winter of 2012, this book covers a critical topic, as energy conservation continues to become an increasingly important factor in building construction. Based on the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC®), it fills a need for information that instructs how to properly apply the energy provisions of the code in a real-world setting. The book provides solid, working information on important energy code applications for residential and commercial construction, with a reliance on color graphics, charts and photos that help to deepen understanding of the material.
“This series will benefit both new and experienced users of the 2012 I-Codes,” said Greg Clayton, vice president, Delmar. “Our highly experienced authors ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date with the latest methodologies and standards in the industries covered. They focus on critical sections of the code by emphasizing need-to-know information and pairing it with non-technical explanations, therefore providing added value and understanding for the reader. We recognize that the I-Codes play a major role in the daily lives of our customers, which is why we knew there was a need in the market for this type of series. We look forward to continued partnership with the ICC as we develop more useful code reference products, such as these in theCode Basics series.” "We have now included Green and Energy in this exciting series because of its proven success in helping building professionals to effectively apply the codes and its ability to facilitate communication between the various parties involved in building projects," said Hamid Naderi, senior vice president, product development, ICC. For more information about the Code Basics series or any other building construction products, please visit or
About the International Code Council
The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.
About Cengage Learning and Delmar
Cengage Learning is a leading provider of innovative teaching, learning and research solutions for the academic, professional and library markets worldwide. Delmar, part of Cengage Learning, is the leading provider of lifelong learning products and services for the health care, technology and trades, and career education markets. Delmar's market-leading imprints include Chilton, Milady and NetLearning. For more information please visit or
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