Leading Fire Prevention Organizations Publish New
Book on Comprehensive Treatment of Smoke Control
Four major associations devoted to fire prevention and public safety have pooled their knowledge to develop and publish the Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering. The new handbook—co-published by the International Code Council (ICC), ASHRAE, the National Fire Protection Association and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers—provides comprehensive treatment of smoke control technology. The Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering extends the tradition of the comprehensive treatment of smoke control technology, including fundamental concepts, smoke control systems and methods of analysis. The handbook provides information needed for the analysis of design fires, including considerations of sprinklers, shielded fires and transient fuels. It is a useful publication for code officials, engineers, architects, researchers and students. “A critical safety feature of modern buildings, the design of smoke control systems, can be challenging and often requires collaboration between various project design teams,” said Hamid Naderi, the Code Council’s Senior Vice President for Product Development. “Where a smoke control system is required by the International Building Code, or other codes and standards, theHandbook of Smoke Control Engineering provides team members with the tools and information needed to effectively and accurately design and construct such systems.” The new book incorporates the latest research and advances in smoke control practice into 24 chapters with more than 500 pages of in-depth guidance. New topics in the handbook are: controls, fire and smoke control in transport tunnels, and full-scale fire testing. For those getting started with the computer models CONTAM and CFAST, there are simplified instructions with examples. As the first smoke control book with climatic data, users will have easy-to-use weather data specifically for smoke control design for locations in the United States, Canada and throughout the world. “While serving as a useful tool to practicing engineers, it also is useful to other engineers, architects and code officials,” co-author John H. Klote, D.Sc., P.E., said. “Because the book addresses the principles of how smoke control systems function, it will be useful to engineers throughout the world.” The Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering ICC Members price is $109; $129 for nonmembers. To order, contact the ICC Customer Service Center at 1-888-ICC-SAFE (1-888-422-4723) or visit www.iccsafe.org/HandbookSmokeControlEngineering.
The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.