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ICC News Release

For Immediate Release
Nov. 17, 2014
Contact: Steve Daggers
1-888-ICC-SAFE (1-888-422-7233),

New ICC Program Offers Expanded Training Options

Learners will benefit from relevant educational programs, expanded topics,
and access to educational offerings both onsite and online.

The International Code Council Preferred Provider Program launches today at and creates an easily accessible network of extensive training opportunities. The Preferred Provider Program offers a variety of educational resources for the more than 20,000 individuals who attend ICC training each year, and the over 40,000 professionals who hold ICC certifications. A major program benefit is guaranteed compliance of training for CEUs through the Preferred Provider Program that can be used toward renewal of ICC certifications.“Through the Preferred Provider Program, ICC intends to sharpen its focus on training in its core areas of expertise, and establish partnerships to broaden educational opportunities for ICC Members and others in the construction industry,” said ICC Board President Guy Tomberlin, CBO.

“The program is designed to create an easily accessible network of extensive training opportunities from a variety of educational resources, and to provide quality support for education renewal requirements of the ICC Certification Program,” said ICC Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims, CBO.

Throughout 2014, ICC Chapters and a stakeholder group comprised of potential Preferred Providers from ICC Chapters, government, associations, educators and industry provided feedback to refine and enhance the program. The end result is a program that offers ICC Members and others a wide range of training options and providers a pool of willing learners.

ICC Members and other industry professionals can access educational seminars, institutes and other courses through the provider live training schedule ( Subject matter ranges from codes and standards to construction materials, building components, methods of construction and technology, guidelines, finance, legal issues and best practices. The Provider Live Training Schedule will be updated as approved providers add courses to the Preferred Provider Program website.

ICC is currently accepting applications from educational providers interested in participating in the Preferred Provider Program at Providers are connected to 58,000 ICC Members, over 40,000 ICC-certified professionals and 350 ICC Chapters interested in quality training.

To learn more, visit the Preferred Provider website, To review the Program manual, go to Frequently asked questions are at Questions can be sent to


About us: The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes