The 2020 CARES Act provided $150B in relief to states and local jurisdictions through the Coronavirus Relief Fund. The relief fund received a 1-year spending deadline extension (Dec. 30, 2021) in the Congressional FY21 spending package. The resources below include fact sheets that detail the rules and regulations on how money from the Coronavirus Relief Fund is distributed state by state, and city by city, as well as information on how to advocate for spending to address the needs of Code Departments across the country.

CARES Act Federal Funding for Code Departments through State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments

Fact sheets and resources on CARES Act Funding distribution and use:


Free Webinars from the International Code Council

The free webinars presented below share more in depth information on how to access and use CARES Act funding to enhance digital services, and stories of success from jurisdictions across America: