Combination Designations

How do I achieve a Combination Designation?
Candidates must pass exams and hold a current certification in the prerequisite categories listed below and meet applicable requirements for the corresponding designation.

Automatic Combination Designations
You will be granted Automatic Combination Designations once you pass all exams and prerequisites on your myICC account. Our systems will be able to track your progress and detect your exam and prerequisite achievements so that you will be automatically granted the combination for which you qualify. From there, you will also have the ability to print the Wall Certificate for your combination. Because of special requirements, not all  certificates/designations apply.

You are still responsible for renewing your Combination Designations. If you choose not to renew your designation, the designation status on your account will no longer be viewable. Stay on top of keeping your designations renewed!


                              Browse our Combination Designation Types:

Inspector Designations

An Inspector Designation is granted after a candidate obtains certification as both a residential and commercial inspector in a specific trade.

Combination Inspector Designations

A Combination Inspector Designation is granted after a candidate obtains certification in plans examination, residential inspection, and/or commercial inspection in a specific trade.

Code Specialist Designations

A Code Specialist Designation is granted after a candidate passes a specific examination module and obtains various certifications in code enforcement, plans examination, residential inspection, and/or commercial inspection in a specific trade. CBO can be used in place of the CS - Code Specialist Designation.

Code Professional Designations

Pursue Your Combination Designation