I-Codes in Oceania I-Codes in Oceania

I-Codes in Oceania

International Code Council (ICC) technical experts are available to provide advice or develop reports that assess the applicability of International Code (I-Code) content to local requirements as input to a Performance Solution in the case of Australia, or Alternative Solution in New Zealand.

While not the mandated building codes in Australia and New Zealand, the I-Codes and ICC Standards may contain evidence that can be used to demonstrate compliance with the Performance Requirements of the Building Code of Australia and New Zealand Building Code.

The I-Codes and ICC standards can also be used or adapted for use by Indo-Pacific nations that may have less well-developed building regulations, and which can also access ICC training for capacity building.

An architect in Australia whose client wanted to construct a tiny home as a Class 1a building required a Performance Solution for an internal feature of the design in the absence of a Deemed to Satisfy provision being available.

The architect was aware that the International Residential Code possibly contained a technical solution for the design feature and sought a review of the plan to determine if this could be used. A report was provided by an ICC technical expert concluding that the International Residential Code solution would satisfy the relevant Performance Requirement of the National Construction Code.

From this a Performance Solution was developed by the local practitioner and accepted by the authority having jurisdiction.
A New Zealand based architectural practice that designs residential properties that they intend to be adapted for use “anywhere in the world” and that comply with the New Zealand Building Code, sought ICC advice to establish if the designs will comply with the International Residential Code.

This request involves a plan review by a technical expert at the ICC to determine if compliance with the International Residential Code is possible, which would enable the design to be used in the United States and wherever else the I-Codes are adopted, allowing for any local adaptations.

This particular service provides for export opportunities to international markets, but can also be used in reverse if a design cannot meet all the requirements of the domestic code and standards, there may be a ready-made solution within the I-Codes that can contribute to the development of a Performance Solution in the case of Australia, or an Alternative Solution in New Zealand.

With over 100 years of impact, ICC is the leading global source of building safety solutions that help ensure safe, affordable and sustainable buildings and communities worldwide.

This is achieved through the ICC Family of Solutions, at the heart of which are the suite of 15 International Codes (I-Codes). ICC facilitates the development of and publishes the I-Codes, which are the most widely trusted building codes, adopted throughout the US, and adopted, adapted or referenced in jurisdictions worldwide. ICC also develops international standards through a WTO-compliant process.