Media Resources Center

This page contains links to videos that provide background and context for the work being done to rethink the ICC Performance Code, the ‘Reimagining the ICCPC Roundtable Discussion’ series, and the stakeholder workshop outcomes.  Videos will be uploaded as the project progresses, so please check back weekly to see what new might be posted.

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Overview of Project and Timetables

In this video, Brian Meacham provides a brief introduction about himself, the scope of the research effort, and the aims of the roundtable discussions. You can download a PDF of the slides used in the video.

Performance-Based Codes: History, Concepts and Trends

In this video, Brian Meacham provides some background to performance-based codes, dating back to initial work in the U.S. by HUD on "Operation Breakthrough," to work by the Nordic Building Codes Committee, to more recent work by the IRCC. You can download a PDF of the slides used in the video.

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Survey 1 - Perceptions of Performance Based Codes and Design

In July 2021, the International Code Council launched a comprehensive and somewhat technical survey to enable us to understand the varied perspectives about performance-based building codes and performance-based design. We received over 135 complete responses, primarily from U.S.-based professionals. In this video, Brian Meacham talks through the survey outcomes, showing similarities and differences between disciplines/ professional areas, and between U.S. and other country respondents. You can download a PDF of the slides used in the video.

ICCPC Roundtable Discussions

Over a two-month period from mid-October through mid-December 2021, a series of eight virtual “roundtable” discussions was held to explore perceptions, challenges and opportunities around the use of performance-based codes and design methods. The roundtable participation was targeted around specific topics/disciplines/responsibilities, with the aim to facilitate open discussion from those within the topic area.

The eight roundtables were: architects, building officials, energy/MEP engineers, facility/owner representatives, fire protection engineers, fire service, resilience, and structural engineers. In total, more than 100 people were invited, and we are very thankful to the more than 80 who participated, contributing to extremely valuable and informative discussions.

Each roundtable discussion aimed to uncover each group’s opinions about the utility of performance-based codes and design methods to meet current and evolving needs, and if desirable, what is currently hampering current use of such approaches, and what is needed to create more opportunity for use in the future.

With the permission of all those involved, each roundtable session was recorded to share perspectives, facilitate more discussion, and ultimately gain a better understanding of challenges, opportunities, and possible routes to a more effective framework for performance-based codes and design. The recordings, along with a pdf file of ‘key takeaways’ for each discussion can be viewed from the links below. Also available is a composite summary of all roundtables, which features an overview table and summary of the key takeaways from all eight roundtables.

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: FPE Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Architects Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Resilience Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Structural Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: MEP Energy Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Facilities Owners/Managers Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Fire Service Roundtable 1

Reimagining the ICC Performance Code: Building Officials Roundtable

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