IS-STSC Meeting Set for October 11, 2024
The IS-STSC committee will convene a working group meeting on Friday, October 11, 2024. The group will continue work to revise the ICC 900/SRCC 300, Solar Thermal System Standard and prepare for the first public comment. The meeting will be held online and is open to the public. Click here for the formal meeting notification and draft agenda.
IS-STSC Accepting Applications
The Code Council is currently accepting applications in the following interest categories to participate on the existing IS-STSC Standards Committee:
Builder, Testing Laboratory/Standards Promulgator, User, Utility, Consumer, Public Segment, Governmental Regulator and Insurance. All applicants must apply through ICC's online application portal.
For more information on the ICC procedures for developing standards and a description of the aforementioned interest categories, please refer to the ICC Consensus Procedures. ICC membership is not required. All appointments will made by the ICC Board of Directors.
Solar Thermal Standard Consensus Committee (IS-STSC)
Development and maintenance activities for ICC's family of solar thermal consensus standards is assigned to the Solar Thermal Standard Consensus Committee (IS-STSC). The committee is convened as required for maintenance of existing standards and to develop new standards as needed. It operates under ICC's ANSI-approved standard development procedures.
The IS-STSC is currently ACTIVE and is working to review and update the ICC 900/SRCC 300, Solar Thermal System Standard.
- Current IS-STSC Committee Roster
- Status: ACTIVE - Accepting Applications for Membership
- Secretariat: Shawn Martin
Status of ICC/SRCC Solar Thermal Standards
ICC 903/SRCC 500 - 2024, Solar Hot Water Storage Tank Standard : Approved by ANSI 4/16/2024, Preparing for Publication
ICC 901/SRCC 100 - 2020, Solar Thermal Collector Standard: Approved by ANSI December, 2020
ICC 900/SRCC 300- 2020, Solar Thermal System Standard: Approved by ANSI December, 2020, under revision
ICC 902/PHTA 902/SRCC 400 -2020, Solar Pool & Spa Heating Standard: Approved by ANSI December, 2020
IS-STSC Documents and Links
Documents and links related to current development activity of the standards, including meeting notices, minutes, agendas, and draft documents are provided below.
Note: To download files, right click icon, select "save target as" and save to your computer.