Public Comments
ICC prefers to receive all Public Comment(s) as a document(s) attached to an email. Please do not mail or fax your Public Comment if at all possible.
You should download the form(s) and save them in your computer. You can complete the top portion of the form, save it, and use it as a template for all of your separate Public Comment. Each Public Comment should be saved as a separate document.
You can then attach your Public Comment to an email, and send it to Karl Aittaniemi.
Copyright Release
To complete the submittal process, you should print a copy of the ICC Copyright Release form, fill in the requested information, and fax the signed form to the fax number shown at the bottom of the form. This form is kept on file and can be used for all Proposal(s) submitted on any ICC Code or Standard. On the Proposal form, just check the box titled "Signature on File". In this manner you can submit your future Proposal(s) via email, and never need to mail or fax any copies.
* Instructions for using MS Word Format Forms
To use the MS Word format forms for submitting Proposal(s) electronically, point at the "WORD" link, RIGHT click, choose "Save Target As", and save the document as you choose. You can then rename the document for each separate Proposal you submit. Each Proposal should be submitted as a separate attachment to an email.