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ICC News Release

For Immediate Release
March 14, 2014
Contact: Steve Daggers
1-888-ICC-SAFE (1-888-422-7233),

Proposed IgCC Code Changes Available for Review

cdpACCESS, ICC’s Cloud-Based Code Development Process Tool, Produces its First MonographThe International Code Council has released a monograph of

International Green Construction Code (IgCC) proposed code changes that will be considered during the Group C Committee Action Hearing April 27-May 3 at the Cook Convention Center in Memphis, Tenn. For the first time ever, proposed code changes were submitted using the new cdpACCESS system.

The changes are for review so participants can prepare testimony and comments to present to the code committees. The hearing will present an opportunity for Code Council members and all code development stakeholders to voice opinions and offer expertise to ensure the 2015 IgCC will complement building safety codes while focusing on sustainability and energy efficiency in the built environment.

The monograph is available at and the code development Web page: A jump drive with the changes will be available from the ICC store.

The committees hold public hearings to receive comments and arguments for or against proposed changes. Those who testify in support of revising published changes in the monograph, called floor modifications, must attend the hearings in person and provide 20 hard copies of their modifications to ICC staff at the hearing. For more info on submitting a modification, see the instructions in the monograph.

Online voting will occur after the hearing on online assembly floor motions. All ICC members are eligible to vote. If the motion passes, a public comment will be created placing the item on the individual consideration agenda at the Public Comment Hearing Oct. 1-7 at the Greater Fort Lauderdale Broward County Convention Center in Florida.

To participate in the 2014 Committee Action Hearings, ICC Primary Representatives are encouraged to review and verify the credentials of their Voting Member Representatives before the hearings. Validation of voter credentials and voter designation changes for eligible members to vote on online assembly motions following the hearings must be completed no later than March 28 and can be completed online. Governmental Members need to be in the system 30 days prior to a committee action hearing to vote on assembly motions. Details are available at

Registration for the hearings is free and encouraged. Visit for details. ICC Membership is not required to attend and participate in the hearings, though it is encouraged to enjoy the valuable benefits and services that come with an ICC Membership.

International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.
