Committee Interpretations

Committee Interpretations

Committee Interpretations

Committee Interpretations provide technical support and clarification of code text for adopting jurisdictions, design professionals, and members of the construction industry.

Committee Interpretations are processed in accordance with ICC Policy CP#11, Committee Interpretations on International Code Provisions, mandated by the ICC Board of Directors.

Due to the extensive time requirement for processing Committee Interpretations, they are not intended to resolve code issues that are time sensitive.

If you would like to be added to the email distribution list for notification when a Proposed Committee Interpretation is posted for ICC Membership Comment, please email Chris Reeves at

Request a Committee Interpretation

Any ICC Member may request a written Committee Interpretation in accordance with ICC Policy CP#11.

  • Requests for Committee Interpretations must be submitted in writing.
  • Questions must be written such that they can be answered "yes" or "no."
  • Questions requiring an "essay" type answer will not be considered, or will be returned to the petitioner to be rewritten.
  • Each question must address a specific code section. Questions addressing multiple code sections will be processed as a separate interpretation for each code section.
  • Each request may contain multiple questions regarding a single specific code section.

All requests for Committee Interpretations must contain the following information:


  • ICC Individual or Company/Jurisdiction Membership Number
  • Member Name and Job Title
  • Company Name or Jurisdiction Affiliation
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address


  • Specific ICC International Code (i.e. Building Code, Fire Code, etc.)
  • Code Publication Year (limited to the 2 most recent editions)
  • Applicable Code Section
  • Questions for Interpretation
  • Supporting Documentation as deemed necessary

Committee Interpretations approved by the ICC Interpretation Committee represent the official position of the International Code Council; however, the final authority of code interpretations is the responsibility of the code official.

Request a Committee Interpretation – Online

ICC Members must log in using their email address and password to submit their request online.

Interpretation Committees

Building Code Interpretations Committee BCIC
Energy Conservation, Existing Building, Green, Property Maintenance, Zoning Code Interpretation Committee ECIC
Fuel Gas, Mechanical, Plumbing, Pool, Private Sewage Disposal Code Interpretation Committee PMGCIC
Fire, Performance, Wildland Urban Interface Code Interpretation Committee FCIC
Residential Code Interpretation Committee RCIC