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ICCPC (Performance Code)

The purpose of this meeting is to develop a modern updated International Code-based option available to those interested in an updated performance based code. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your...

Design of Steel Deck Diaphragms

This seminar will cover the design of bare steel deck and concrete-filled steel deck diaphragms with an emphasis on seismic design. The parts of a steel deck diaphragm will be...

Load Path, Load Combinations and Risk Categories

This webinar covers basic load paths and load combinations used in allowable stress design and strength design. Also discussed are risk categories assigned to buildings for load determination based on...

Hand Calculations of a Long Span Post-Tensioned Beam

Long span garages are very common across the United States and are typically designed using relatively thin post-tensioned one-way slabs that are supported by post-tensioned beams and girders. The beams...