Board Task Force on Pandemics

Preparing Our Buildings & Communities for Disease-Related Threats

Many jurisdictions have already developed guidelines and policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Code Council has been tracking these efforts and provides a compilation of resources for the building industry at

Due to the complex and non-uniform approaches implemented globally, it is imperative that all aspects of the built environment be thoroughly analyzed to develop a comprehensive response. Recognizing this critical threat to both new and existing construction, the Code Council and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) have established a new task force on pandemics to help our communities respond to COVID-19 and prepare for the next health threat.


The design and layout of buildings can have a significant impact on the health and safety of the occupants. This diverse task force will research the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the built environment. The group will then develop a roadmap and propose needed resources – including guidelines, recommended practices, publications, and updates to the International Codes (I-Codes) – that are necessary to overcome the numerous challenges faced during pandemics to construct safe, sustainable and affordable structures. The Code Council anticipates that the task force will complete:

  • A comprehensive review of current code requirements as they relate to prevention of the transmission of diseases and other serious health concerns. Any suggested revisions to current code requirements based on this assessment will be processed as proposed code changes to the I-Codes.
  • A comprehensive review of existing guides, executive orders, white papers, reports and standards, as they relate to design standards, preparedness, health considerations and tools for operating during a pandemic.
  • Identification of best practices and guides to address the design and layout of new and existing buildings.
  • A comprehensive package of public information materials.

The new task force will include a broad cross section of experts from the building safety, construction, design, health and insurance industries.

The Code Council Board of Directors, in consultation with NEHA, will appoint the members of this task force.

Prepare for Future Potential Health Hazards

Download the Pandemic Task Force Best Practices Guide here.

Events Calendar

Current Pandemic Task Force events.

Pandemic Task Force Committee Documents

Architectural-Structural Working Group Documents

Fire-Safety Working Group Documents

Mechanical-Plumbing-Electrical Working Group Documents

Remote Operations Working Group Documents