2018 International Highlights
The Training Needs Assessment study, a World Bank initiative, produced recommendations for a strategic training plan aimed at developing an effective regulatory system for building compliance. The plan includes the Code Council’s continued support of the code implementation process through publication of the Jamaica Building Code and additional training and support services.
The Code Council and S. K. Ghosh signed a World Bank funded contract with the Bangladesh Capital Development Authority allowing the Code Council to evaluate the current building code implementation and enforcement infrastructure in Dhaka, and recommend specific changes to improve building safety.
The Mexican accreditation agency, La Entidad Mexicana de Acreditacion, A.C. (EMA), has expanded the scope of accreditation for ICC Evaluation Service. The expanded scope includes evaluation of plumbing supply fittings in accordance with the Mexican standard on valves and water taps.
At the invitation of ASCE Colombia Section, S. K. Ghosh presented in Bogota and Cartagena to members of the Association of Seismic Engineering (AIS) and Permanent Advisory Commission of the Regime of Earthquake Resistant Constructions (CAPRCSR).
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) greatly expanded the scope of accreditation for ICC Evaluation Service. Accredited to evaluate 51 different categories of products in Canada, ICCES can evaluate products to the provisions of standards referenced by the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC).
World Bank Resilience Partnership
In partnership with the World Bank, The Code Council provides leadership and expertise on numerous international initiatives including the Building Regulation for Resilience Program. The program seeks to develop and promote a new stream of activities to increase regulatory capacity and in turn promote a healthier and safer built environment. By leveraging good practice in building regulation as part of a strategy to reduce both chronic risk and disaster risk, it will set developing countries on the path to effective reform and long-term resilience.
Global Connections Day 2018
Themed ‘Innovation in the World of Building Safety,’ the event drew 200 attendees from more than a dozen countries, including Australia, Canada, the Republic of Georgia, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The keynote address was given by Teresa Cendrowska, ASTM International Vice President for Global Cooperation.